Creating a Proof of Concept: Practical Guide to Software Development | Iterators (2024)

Proof of concept is key to the software development process. Check out this practical guide for what it is and how to create one now.

Any software development project starts with an idea, whether good or bad. With any luck, they’re always great ideas, but if they were, we wouldn’t need to talk about proofs of concept.

These ideas need to be investigated and validated as part of the software development process. Analyzing and validating a conception is called creating a proof of concept.

A proof of concept is a prototyped solution that allows developers to explore the feasibility of an idea and validate assumptions.

The primary purpose of a proof of concept is to assess the technical viability of a proposed solution. A proof of concept isn’t a complete product and isn’t meant to be deployed in production environments. Creating a proof of concept is the first step in the software development process. It’s also essential for any software development project.

Creating a proof of concept is vital to the software development process. Having a clear and concise guide will allow you to validate your ideas and assumptions early on. It’ll save you valuable resources, such as time and money, in the long run. Plus, it’ll help you avoid headaches!

This blog post will go over the critical components of a proof of concept and how to create one effectively.

Already have a Proof of Concept? At Iterators, we can design, build, and maintain custom software solutions for both startups and enterprise businesses.

Creating a Proof of Concept: Practical Guide to Software Development | Iterators (1)

Schedule afree consultationwith Iterators today. We’d be happy to help you find the right software solution to help your company.

What Is Proof of Concept? (POC)

Proof of Concept, or POC, is a type of experiment or test. It’s done to check if a particular solution, technology, or strategy can be successful in the real world. It’s usually done before investing time and resources into something to ensure it’s worth pursuing.

POCs are generally small-scale and short-term. They aim to answer specific questions or solve particular problems. Technology and strategy are constantly changing and improving. You want to be sure that you’re using the most up-to-date, practical solutions as a business.

Many industries and fields use POCs in their product development process, for example:

  • Project Management
  • Software Development
  • Business Development

While a POC may not always be necessary, it can benefit many situations. For example, let’s say that you’re thinking about implementing a new software system. You’ll probably want to do a proof of concept (POC) to ensure it works as intended and meets your needs.

Similarly, if you’re thinking about changing your marketing strategy, a POC can help you determine if the new process is likely to be successful.

Benefits of Creating a POC

Creating a Proof of Concept: Practical Guide to Software Development | Iterators (2)

There are many benefits to creating a Proof of Concept (POC). A POC can help validate an idea, test a hypothesis, or prove that a specific approach is feasible. A POC can help identify potential risks and roadblocks early in the development process.

The purpose of a proof of concept is to demonstrate that the idea for the project is feasible. It’s also used to test the feasibility of the proposed technical solution.

The proof of concept should be small and concise. It shouldn’t be a complete working system. By creating a POC, developers can save time and money in the long run.

A proof of concept also provides valuable information that can be used to determine whether a project or product is feasible. It can also determine how useful it’ll be to potential investors and decision-makers.

Let’s take a deeper dive into what other benefits creating a POC can provide.

Understanding Market Needs

Developing a proof of concept can be a daunting task. But it’s essential to understand market needs before starting the project. The first step in any project is to know your audience. After identifying and knowing your target market, you can begin to understand their specific needs.

This process can be done in different ways, such as:

  • Market research
  • Surveys
  • Interviews
  • Focus groups

Once you have a solid understanding of market needs, you can begin to create a proof of concept that will meet them. Developing a practical guide will help ensure a successful final product.


Creating a proof of concept can be difficult. However, the process can be much more straightforward by breaking the task into smaller, manageable pieces.

Start by creating a list of tasks that need to be completed. Then, break those tasks down into smaller steps. For each job, decide what needs to be done to achieve it.

For example, if you need to create a new software program, you’ll need to determine the requirements. Once the requirements are known, you can begin designing the program.

Once you have a plan, you may begin working on the first task. As you fulfill each task, check it off of your list. Doing this will help you stay on track and motivated as you work through the process.

If you get stuck in a bottleneck, don’t hesitate to ask for help from others. There are many resources available to software developers. So there’s no need to do it alone. With some help and organization, you can create a proof of concept that will be a valuable resource for years to come.

Feasibility of the Concept

The concept of a feasibility study is to analyze and evaluate a proposed plan or project to determine if it’s likely to succeed. The study is used to determine if the project is achievable and if it’s the right project to undertake.

It’ll help you identify potential problems or risks that could impact the project’s success. It’s necessary to conduct the study before undertaking any project. It can ensure that the project will be successful.

Limitations of the Concept

A proof of concept can be used to test new ideas or approaches to solving a problem. While a proof of concept can be a valuable tool in the software development process, it’s important to remember that it isn’t a guarantee of success for the final product. The proof of concept should be seen as a starting point for further development, not an end.

Financial Implications

Creating a proof of concept can have financial implications. These can include the cost of software, hardware, and services. The time needed to develop the proof of concept can also add to the financial implications.

Proof of Concept vs. Prototype

Creating a Proof of Concept: Practical Guide to Software Development | Iterators (3)

A proof of concept is simply an experiment to test whether an idea can be translated into a viable product. At the same time, a prototype is a preliminary version of that product. However, there’s often more to these concepts than meets the eye.

A proof of concept is generally less expensive and time-consuming than a prototype, as it’s often little more than a simulated or scaled-down version of the product.

The goals of a POC are to validate the technical feasibility of a proposed solution and to assess the likely business impact. If a POC is successful, it can lead to the development of a prototype or even a full-fledged system.

On the other hand, a prototype is usually a more functional and polished version of the product. Meant to test all of the product’s intended features. It’s an essential step in the development process. Prototype allows you to work out any kinks in the design before mass production.

In most cases, a prototype will be created after a successful proof of concept to validate the product idea further.

Proof of Concept vs. MVP

When starting a new software development project, it’s important to create a prototype or “minimum viable product” (MVP). It’s used to test the project’s feasibility. The MVP should highlight the core functionality of the software and be able to be deployed quickly and easily. It’s important to keep the MVP as simple as possible to be easily tested and iterated upon.

It ensures the proof of concept is focused on demonstrating the feasibility of the software and its core functionality. Include any key features that are essential to the success of the software. Keeping the MVP simple will make it easier to create a successful proof of concept and avoid unnecessary complexity.

Once the MVP is created, it can be used as a proof of concept to attract investors and get the project off the ground. Both proofs of concept and MVPs validate whether an idea has potential.

However, a proof of concept is typically more detailed and is used to validate the technical feasibility of an idea. In contrast, an MVP is used to validate the commercial viability of an idea.

Proof of Concept vs. Pilot

A POC may be developed to prove that a particular technology, design, product, or feature—or combination thereof—is feasible and to determine whether it’s worth pursuing. Pilots are small-scale implementations of a system or policy.

A pilot’s main purpose is to test whether a system or approach works in practice and gather information about how well it works and what problems arise. To be valid, pilots must be carefully designed and monitored.

POCs and pilots are two different approaches for testing the feasibility of a new idea or system. POCs are typically used to test the technical feasibility of an idea, while pilots are used to test the practical feasibility of a system.

There are many advantages and disadvantages to piloting a software development project. On the advantages side, piloting allows for a risk reduction strategy by highlighting potential problems early on. It also allows the development team to fix them before they cause serious issues.

Additionally, piloting provides invaluable feedback from users that can be used to improve the final product.

When it comes to disadvantages, piloting can be expensive and time-consuming. It isn’t always possible to replicate the final user environment in the pilot phase. Also, there’s always the risk that the pilot won’t be successful and that the development team will have to start from scratch.

A proof of concept is a demonstration, typically to investors, that a particular concept or idea has the potential to be successful. On the other hand, a pilot is a test run of a project or initiative, typically on a small scale, to evaluate its feasibility or effectiveness.

So, in the context of the guide as mentioned above, a proof of concept would show that the proposed software development project has potential. A pilot, instead, would test out the actual software development process on a small scale. Proof of concept is all about feasibility, while the pilot is about effectiveness.

Steps to Create a Proof of Concept

A Proof of Concept (POC) is a demonstration, usually within a controlled environment, that a certain theory or concept has the potential to be turned into a viable business or technology application.

Dos and Don’ts

In developing a proof of concept (POC), it’s important to consider the “dos and don’ts” to ensure a successful outcome. Here are some key considerations:


  • Keep it simple. The POC should be a focused and narrowly-defined project that can be completed within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Involve key stakeholders. Ensure that those using and/or evaluating the POC are involved in its development.
  • Define success criteria. Establish what success looks like for the POC so that you can measure whether or not it has been successful.


  • Overcomplicate things. Remember that the POC is meant to be a simple demonstration of viability, not a fully-fledged product.
  • Go it alone. Involve key stakeholders from the outset to get buy-in and ensure a successful outcome.
  • Leave things open-ended. Define success criteria for the POC so that you know when you’ve achieved it.


Creating a Proof of Concept: Practical Guide to Software Development | Iterators (4)


Sometimes Pixar will create short films to test out new complex animation methods. If the film is successful and animators are happy with the results, they’ll move forward with putting the new methods into their movies. The company used the short film Geri’s Game to test out human facial animations. Which they then used to make Toy Story and other full-length features featuring human characters.


Airbnb allows co-hosting. It’s a partnership wherein someone rents out a property on their website, but someone else manages it. This was done after the company ran a POC in Tokyo. The company employed a team that matched apartment owners and co-hosts manually.

They used this POC to develop the algorithms for the co-hosting feature. The project was a complete simulation of what would happen on the app later, but with humans involved to make changes along the way.

Gaming Apps:

You may notice that many mobile gaming companies have similar games in their network. There are two reasons for this. First, mobile games make a ton of money.

Second, having multiple games with similar builds allows a company to create a POC in one game before launching features into similar games.

For example, Machine Zone (with a revenue of $1.1 BILLION) used Game of War’s success to develop Mobile Strike features. They used updated bots to detect harassment in Game of War to test their effectiveness before placing them into Mobile Strike. They also ran a POC to detect fake accounts used to cheat in GoW.

Now, here’s a closer look at the steps involved in creating a POC:

Creating a Proof of Concept: Practical Guide to Software Development | Iterators (5)

1. Define the Problem That You Are Trying to Solve with Your POC

Before beginning any software development project, it’s necessary to define the problem you’re trying to solve. Otherwise, you risk building something that doesn’t address the root issue.

When creating a POC, it’s important to keep the scope small and focused. Solving too many problems at once will only make things more complicated. So it’s essential to have a clear view of what problem you’re trying to solve before beginning to develop one.

It means defining the problem you’re trying to solve as best and as specifically as possible.

What are the underlying causes of this problem? What are its effects? What are some potential solutions?

By clearly defining the problem you’re trying to solve, you can develop a better tailored POC to address it and are more likely to be successful. Once you have a working POC, you can then use it as a foundation to expand your solution and build a more comprehensive solution.

2. Research and Identify Potential Solutions to That Problem

Organizations often face the challenge of creating a proof of concept for software development projects. By thoroughly researching and identifying the best solution for your organization’s needs, you can create a proof of concept to provide valuable insights and feedback for your software development project.

Valuable insights are essential to create a proof of concept that is both practical and guide-worthy. Such insights can be difficult to come by, but they’re worth the effort as they can make a significant difference between failure and success.

There are many factors to consider when developing a proof of concept. And it’s important to take the time to understand them before making any decisions. The insights gained from this process can be invaluable, so it’s worth taking the time to do it right.

3. Create a Prototype of Your Chosen Solution

A prototype is an acting model of your solution that allows you to test your assumptions and gather feedback from potential users. It’s important to create a prototype early on in the development process so that you can validate your ideas and make necessary changes before investing too much time and resources.

There are many different ways to create a prototype, and the best approach will vary depending on the type of project and the resources available. In some cases, it may be sufficient to create a paper prototype using cardboard cutouts or sticky notes. For more complex projects, you may need to create a digital prototype using a tool such as Adobe XD or Figma.

Once you have created your prototype, it’s important to test it with potential users and get feedback. It’ll help you identify areas where your solution needs to be improved.

4. Test Your Prototype in a Controlled Environment

Before you can release your software to the public, you need to test your prototype in a controlled environment. It aids in finding and fixing any bugs or problems before your users encounter them.

There are a few ways to do this: first, you can test your software yourself. This process is called “alpha testing.” Second, you can hire someone to test your software for you. This one is called “beta testing.”

Finally, you can release your software to a small group of users and see how they react to it. This process is called “release candidate testing.”

Whichever method you prefer, make sure you test your prototype in a controlled environment before releasing it to the public. It will help you ensure that your software is ready for prime time.

5. Evaluate the Results of Your Prototype Test and Determine Whether Your POC Was Successful

After you have completed your prototype test, it’s important to evaluate the results to determine whether your POC was successful. It’s important to consider the success criteria you defined at the beginning of the project.

Did you achieve your goals? If not, why? Was the proof of concept successful in demonstrating the viability of your proposed solution?

It’s also important to ask whether the proof of concept was the right approach for your project. Would a different strategy have been more successful? What did you learn from the process that you can apply to future projects?

Based on this information, you should be able to determine whether or not your POC was successful and if it’s worth continuing to develop.

Proof of Concept Examples

A proof of concept is a demonstration, usually within a controlled environment, that a particular concept or idea will work. A strong proof of concept should show how the idea would work in the real world and be able to be replicated on a larger scale.

Some examples of a proof of concept are:

  • Proof of concept for an application that helps people plan their weddings. The app shows wedding guests what kind of food and drinks they can order based on their budget and preferences.
  • Proof of concept for a website that helps people find apartments. Users enter their desired location and search radius. Then, the site displays apartments that meet those parameters.
  • Proof of concept that demonstrates how a new product could improve customer service. The company creates a mockup of a new phone system and tests it out with customers.
Creating a Proof of Concept: Practical Guide to Software Development | Iterators (6)


If you want to create a proof of concept for your software development project, this guide will show you how. By following the pragmatic steps outlined in this guide, you can create a prototype that will provide validation of your idea and help you get feedback from potential users.

So what are you waiting for? Get started today and see if your software development project has what it takes to be a success.

Creating a Proof of Concept: Practical Guide to Software Development | Iterators (2024)


What should be included in a POC? ›

As a general example of how to write a POC, they should include the following: Define the POC idea, including what the idea is trying to achieve, objectives and resources needed. Determine the scope of the POC process to evaluate the project clearly. Clearly define criteria for success with use cases within the scope.

What is proof of concept in software development with example? ›

A proof of concept in the context of custom software development comes to be the validation of a functional or non-functional aspect of an information system or part of it, either by the technical area or by the user area. We could say, for example, that acceptance tests are a specific type of proof of concept.

How long does it take to develop a proof of concept? ›

Depending on the complexity of the idea, proof of concept development may be more or less intricate and detailed. Ideally, though, it shouldn't take longer than a few weeks or months to complete. A POC may sound like a pitch, but it's more thorough than that.

How to create POC in java? ›

How to write a proof of concept
  1. Step 1: Demonstrate the need for the product. ...
  2. Step 2: Ideate the right solution. ...
  3. Step 3: Create a prototype and test it. ...
  4. Step 4: Gather and document feedback. ...
  5. Step 5: Present POC for approval.
Aug 5, 2022

What is the difference between a demo and a POC? ›

A demo is a salesperson explaining the car's features, whereas POC is taking a test drive to experience the features and evaluate whether the car fits your desires or not. Involves experiencing the features of the product.

What are the three types of POC? ›

Based on the principle, these diagnostic tests can be broadly divided into three types: Immunological tests (Based on antigen/antibody detection), Nucleic acid-based tests, and tests based on host biomarkers (13) . ...

What questions should I ask in a POC? ›

15 questions to ask before offering a POC
  • Have I completed the first level of discovery session with the customer to understand their basic needs?
  • Did I have the right people during the discovery meetings?
  • Is my customer aware about the problem we solve?
  • Is the customer already familiar with the product we offer?

What is a POC in software? ›

A proof of concept (POC) is a demonstration of a product, service or solution in a sales context.

How do you run a successful POC? ›

At Filtered, we've identified four key steps to run a successful POC:
  1. Plan your approach to success.
  2. Set expectations and success criteria.
  3. Establish a partnership.
  4. Gather feedback, learn and evolve.

What is an example sentence for proof of concept? ›

The field has long passed proof of concept. This should provide a more comprehensive proof of concept. The prototype was a proof of concept and was tested in laboratory conditions only.

What is proof of concept in agile software development? ›

A proof-of-concept (PoC) is intended to confirm a presumption that a concept, technology, or methodology is practicable, and applicable. PoCs speed up delivery in contemporary software development by assisting in the quicker launch of products, which adheres to Lean and Agile concepts.

What are the pros and cons of a PoC? ›

Pros and Cons of proof of concept
Brings useful user insights such as the market demand or target audience and their pain points.Proof of concept sometimes appears as a barrier. Therefore, It can limit your creativity as it imposes some guidelines to be followed.
2 more rows
Jan 14, 2022

Can a proof of concept fail? ›

What is a failed proof of concept? A failed POC is one that has one of the following end results: Vendor(s) fail to prove the concept as originally conceived. Concept is proven but does not provide the expected outcome in terms of value.

What are the cons of proof of concept? ›

Cons of PoC

The PoC might differ from the end product at the end of the day. After the concept is verified during the product development some features might have to change. This means the original plan has to be jettisoned and you have to come up with something new.

What are the stages of proof of concept? ›

These four stages — PoC, Prototype, MVP, Production — are typically (and ideally) done in sequence not just as a matter of natural progression in product development but as validation methodologies.

Is POC the same as prototype? ›

A POC is a rough mock-up of a product or feature that demonstrates how it would work in a real-life scenario and proves how it solves a problem for your users. A prototype is a step up from a POC in that it's more polished, looks more like the final product, and can be tested by a real user.

What is POC vs prototype? ›

Is a POC the same as a prototype? Some people see a prototype as the same thing as a proof of concept. However, a POC is more a practical verification of whether the product can be built with the given technology, whereas prototyping involves actually building a working model with limited functionalities.

Why do you need a POC? ›

POCs can be used to test everything from technical feasibility to market demand. They are an essential part of the product development process and can help reduce the risk of failure for new products and services.

What is the most common POC? ›

The most common point-of-care tests are blood glucose monitoring and home pregnancy tests. Other common tests are for hemoglobin, fecal occult blood, rapid strep, as well as prothrombin time/international normalized ratio (PT/INR) for people on the anticoagulant warfarin.

What is the difference between MVP and POC? ›

A PoC and a prototype are used at the pre-product stage and require minimal-to-medium investment. With MVP development, you enter a product stage with core functionalities and features to see how the market receives your idea. Building an MVP requires more time and money than creating a PoC or prototype.

What is the typical timeline of a POC? ›

From the point of configuring the project solution to concluding the POC pilot, a reasonable POC timeline should not exceed three months. During this time, it's critical to note any challenges and/or problems that came up during the project and to identify the solutions to these problems.

What is another name for proof of concept? ›

Proof of concept (POC or PoC), also known as proof of principle, is a realization of a certain method or idea in order to demonstrate its feasibility, or a demonstration in principle with the aim of verifying that some concept or theory has practical potential.

What is another word for proof of concept? ›

What is another word for proof of concept?
prototypeproof of principle
feasibility studymock-up
38 more rows

How do I run a PoC software? ›

How to Run a Successful Proof of Concept
  1. Agree objectives and keep the scope of the project narrow. Agreeing clear objectives for the PoC comes first. ...
  2. Know the duration and effort. ...
  3. Pick the right resources. ...
  4. Choose the right criteria to assess outcomes.
Jul 12, 2021

What are the three examples of concept? ›

Concepts are based on our experiences. Concepts can be based on real phenomena and are a generalized idea of something of meaning. Examples of concepts include common demographic measures: Income, Age, Eduction Level, Number of SIblings.

What are the roles and responsibilities of a POC project? ›

Develop and maintain project plans, including timelines and budgets. Coordinate with cross-functional teams to ensure project tasks are completed on time and within budget. Manage project risks and issues, implementing contingency plans as needed. Track project progress and report regularly to stakeholders.

Should you charge for a proof of concept? ›

If your customer has got real intent, they'll pay for POC. I think it's important that the customer commits to the POC in some way. You don't have to charge, but if you're a startup and you want to generate cash, and they're a big customer, charge. Have confidence in your technology.

What is a POC in the it industry? ›

A proof of concept (POC) is a demonstration of a product, service or solution in a sales context. A POC should demonstrate that the product or concept will fulfill customer requirements while also providing a compelling business case for adoption.

Is software prototype same as proof of concept? ›

A POC is a rough mock-up of a product or feature that demonstrates how it would work in a real-life scenario and proves how it solves a problem for your users. A prototype is a step up from a POC in that it's more polished, looks more like the final product, and can be tested by a real user.

What is proof of concept for an app? ›

A proof of concept in app development: definition

A proof of concept – in the context of app development -, also known as PoC (proof of concept), is a methodology that allows us to verify that the idea or assumption we have about the software is viable.

What is software proof of concept scope? ›

A Proof of Concept (POC) is a small-scale resource used to test a more extensive project's feasibility. POCs are commonly used in software development to determine whether a particular technology or approach is viable. POCs can be used at various stages of the software development process.

What is PoC in agile? ›

A proof-of-concept (PoC) is intended to confirm a presumption that a concept, technology, or methodology is practicable, and applicable. PoCs speed up delivery in contemporary software development by assisting in the quicker launch of products, which adheres to Lean and Agile concepts.

Is PoC professional? ›

After completing the General Military Course (GMC), cadets must compete for the Professional Officer Course (POC). This system uses factors such as grade point average, detachment commander evaluation, and aptitude test scores, to determine if a candidate has officer potential.

When should you do a PoC? ›

POCs can be used to test everything from technical feasibility to market demand. They are an essential part of the product development process and can help reduce the risk of failure for new products and services. For example, let's say you have an idea for a new app that you think will be the next big thing.

What is the difference between POC and MVP? ›

A proof of concept, prototype, and MVP are different stages in product development. A PoC and a prototype are used at the pre-product stage and require minimal-to-medium investment. With MVP development, you enter a product stage with core functionalities and features to see how the market receives your idea.

What is proof of concept SDLC? ›

A proof of concept is the first step in the software development process after the product's general idea is developed. A PoC aims to validate the project's feasibility and to verify the overall idea's viability.

What is the difference between software pilot and proof of concept? ›

To summarize, a proof of concept tells you whether a product can be developed and tests the technical feasibility, a prototype shows how the product can be developed, and a pilot informs you about whether clients will use the product.

Do you pay for a proof of concept? ›

If your customer has got real intent, they'll pay for POC. I think it's important that the customer commits to the POC in some way. You don't have to charge, but if you're a startup and you want to generate cash, and they're a big customer, charge.

How do you run a successful proof of concept? ›

How to run a successful proof of concept – lessons from HubSpot
  1. Plan your approach to success.
  2. Set expectations and success criteria.
  3. Establish a partnership.
  4. Gather feedback, learn and evolve.

What are the benefits of proof of concept in software development? ›

PoC's advantages in project development

Validate the idea's feasibility and practicality. Save money, time, and valuable resources invested. Prove the idea is worth deploying and has all the chances to succeed. To become aware of potential risks from the start.

What is proof of concept with example? ›

Proof of concept (POC) is evidence obtained from a pilot project, which is executed to demonstrate that a product idea, business plan, or project plan is feasible. For example, in drug development, clinical trials are used to gather proof of concept for a final product.


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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