Six of Pentacles Meaning: Upright and Reversed - Tarot Technique (2024)

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Amber Brinnier

Amber is a certified Astrologer from the Portland School of Astrology. She is also a graduate of the popular Tarot For the Wild Soul program by Lindsey Mack. Her knowledge of Tarot runs deep, and she has an immense passion for the art. She loves passing that knowledge and passion on to the readers here at Tarot Technique.

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  • Six of Pentacles Upright and Reversed Keywords
    • Upright Keywords
    • Reversed Keywords
  • Sixes in Tarot Numerology
  • Six of Pentacles Imagery and Symbolism
  • Upright Six of Pentacles Meaning
  • Reversed Six of Pentacles Meaning
  • Six of Pentacles Upright In a Love Reading
    • Six of Pentacles Upright In a Career/Finance Reading
    • Six of Pentacles Upright in a Family Reading
    • Six of Pentacles Upright in a Health Reading
  • Six of Pentacles Reversed In a Love Reading
    • Six of Pentacles Reversed In a Career/Finance Reading
    • Six of Pentacles Reversed in a Family Reading
    • Six of Pentacles Reversed in a Health Reading
  • Remediation
  • FAQ
    • Question: Is the Six of Pentacles a Yes or No card?
    • Question: Does the Six of Pentacles Upright always have a positive connotation?
    • Question: How can I embody the Six of Pentacles in the real world?
    • Question: I don’t have funds or resources to spare, so why did the Six of Pentacles show up for me in a reading?
    • Question: What Zodiac sign does the Six of Pentacles represent?
  • Conclusion

The Six of Pentacles is one of the more straightforward tarot cards found in the Minor Arcana. Having just stepped out of a mindset of lack in the Five of Pentacles, we are now being asked to share the wealth.

It is important to do this now while our struggle is fresh in our minds. Now that we are in abundance, we are able to be generous with our resources – not just money or material things, but time, love, friendship, energy, knowledge, and support.

The Six of Pentacles also speaks to the need to bring equality to our relationships and the power dynamics in our lives. Here we can make sure that any give and take is equal and that we are open and ready to receive abundance in order to give that abundance away freely. We cannot pour from an empty cup, and the Six of Pentacles reminds us to look to ourselves before we help any others in our lives.

Let’s take a look at the deeper Six of Pentacles meaning so that we may, in turn, share our gifts and knowledge with the world.

Six of Pentacles Upright and Reversed Keywords

Upright Keywords

  • Generosity
  • Selflessness
  • Charity
  • Sharing the wealth
  • Giving
  • Receiving
  • Value
  • Support
  • Community
  • Good fortune
  • Reward
  • Mutual Aid

Reversed Keywords

  • Selfishness
  • Abuse of power
  • Subservience
  • Greed
  • Debt
  • Extortion
  • Power dynamics
  • Inequality

Sixes in Tarot Numerology

In the tarot, the Sixes denote a restoration of balance after the conflict and unsteadiness of the Fives. There is an exchange of energy here and a sense of relief. When you begin to feel unsteady, the Six cards in the tarot are like two more hands reaching out to catch you, and indeed the Sixes are often an indication of being helped and supported specifically by the people in your life.

As with the Threes, Sixes represent a time when we are being joined by another in our quest through the cycle of the Minor Arcana and a reminder that we do not journey through life alone. When we reach out for support, the Sixes tell us it will be there.

Six of Pentacles Imagery and Symbolism

Six of Pentacles Meaning: Upright and Reversed - Tarot Technique (3)

The Six of Pentacles features three figures: a richly dressed man and two destitute people kneeling at his feet in rags. The rich man drops coins into their outstretched hands with one hand while holding a perfectly balanced scale in the other.

The balanced scale shows that he has nothing to lose by giving charity to these people in need; he has more than enough to give. Some see this as a bit of a tongue-in-cheek reference since this giving coins to the beggars is hardly making them his financial equal or pulling them out of poverty.

Upright Six of Pentacles Meaning

When the Six of Pentacles shows up in a reading, you are being given an opportunity to be generous. It is a reminder to practice selflessness but also to show yourself some care so that you may be generous. Sometimes the restoration of balance needed will not be from you to another person or vice versa, but from certain aspects of your life to another. Have you been pouring all of your energy into one area of your life, to the detriment of the other areas?

The Six of Pentacles shows you that you are ready to begin working on these other areas of your life and that you have the energy and emotional bandwidth to do so. Indeed, it reminds you that you are worthy of this balance and generosity.

There may also be situations where you are the one needing to rely on the generosity of others. This echoes the Five of Pentacles but is different in that you are now able to ask for help and see that it will be readily given.

Reversed Six of Pentacles Meaning

Just as the Six of Pentacles upright represents generosity, give-and-take, and support, the reversed meaning speaks to the more negative aspects of generosity. Uneven power dynamics, extortion, and selfishness are all present within this card in a reversed position.

Resources are being given, but there are expectations in return. Sometimes, false generosity is used to manipulate a person or situation. If you get this card in a reversed position, be wary of ulterior motives behind the generosity of others – in turn, examine whether your own generosity has an ulterior motive – are you giving just to receive?

The reversed Six of Pentacles also speaks to empty generosity or charity, or somebody who just throws money at a problem without working to address the systemic inequality present that has caused the need for charity.

Six of Pentacles Upright In a Love Reading

Love is a resource. When the Six of Pentacles turns up upright in a love reading, it means that you and your partner are in a period of balance and are able to be generous with your emotions together. If you need something from your partner, asking now will be met with an understanding and outpouring of whatever it is you need, no strings attached.

Six of Pentacles Meaning: Upright and Reversed - Tarot Technique (4)

If you are single, now is the time to be open with yourself and what you are ready and able to give to a future relationship. You could have a generous partner coming to you or find that you are able to give yourself the love you would otherwise lavish onto someone else.

Six of Pentacles Upright In a Career/Finance Reading

The Six of Pentacles Upright is generally positive in this position. There is a balance in your workplace, and your hard work is starting to be noticed and pay off. Similarly, in a financial reading, you can see that your hard work is paying off.

You could receive a financial reward or financial generosity from somebody else in a time of need. Inversely, you could be the one giving this financial generosity. The situation and surrounding cards will make this clear.

Six of Pentacles Upright in a Family Reading

Six of Pentacles Meaning: Upright and Reversed - Tarot Technique (5)

In a family-centered reading, the Six of Pentacles Upright indicates that family members may be generous with their resources with you just now. There could also be an outpouring of love and support from family members in your time of need. You could also be in a position to give unconditional love to a family member or financial support.

Six of Pentacles Upright in a Health Reading

In a health reading, the Six of Pentacles upright is a sign that you should be reaching out to others for help regarding any health issues you might be having. It can also indicate that any health issues you have been dealing with may be coming into balance, and a period of wellness is upon you.

Six of Pentacles Reversed In a Love Reading

Six of Pentacles Meaning: Upright and Reversed - Tarot Technique (6)

Check the power dynamics in your relationship if you receive Six of Pentacles reversed in a love reading. You may have an unequal relationship where one of you is more invested than the other, or one is simply using the other for their financial or social status.

If you are single, be wary of the people who are trying to make their way into your circle. They may be using you for love or money or some other gain. You may have found that you have lacked a voice in relationships in the past, and now is the time to work on standing up and advocating for yourself in a relationship.

Six of Pentacles Reversed In a Career/Finance Reading

When Six of Pentacles comes out reversed in a career-specific reading, there may be uneven power dynamics at your job. You could be experiencing unemployment or be on the brink of unemployment.

Someone in a senior position could be abusing their power or exploiting their workers – if this is you, make sure to address any imbalances there may be in the workplace. As far as finances go, you could find yourself in debt or being taken advantage of financially due to your generous nature.

Six of Pentacles Reversed in a Family Reading

In a familial context, the Six of Pentacles reversed indicates an unbalanced dynamic present within the family – everybody may be giving all their time and resources to one family member without receiving any support from them in turn. Ahead of the household could be withholding or financially abusive to their children.

Six of Pentacles Reversed in a Health Reading

The Six of Pentacles coming out reversed in a health-related reading can mean that you are afraid to reach out for help regarding a health issue, either because you are afraid of what it could be or unsure that you will receive the right treatment. Be aware that this can cause your issue to become worse. This can refer to mental as well as physical health.

Six of Pentacles Meaning: Upright and Reversed - Tarot Technique (7)

Remediation of the Six of Pentacles card when it comes up is simple. Give help when you are able to. Ask for help when you need it. Examine the power structures and dynamics in your life–where are you taking advantage?

And where might someone be taking advantage of you? Is your generosity selfless? Are you demanding something in return? Or can you give your resources freely, with the confidence that generosity is its own reward? What can you bring into balance by offering help?


Question: Is the Six of Pentacles a Yes or No card?

Answer: In a Yes or No context, the Six of Pentacles is a Yes, as generosity and giving are generally positive.

Question: Does the Six of Pentacles Upright always have a positive connotation?

Answer: While generally positive, the Six of Pentacles isn’t necessarily always so. There can be times when it is pointing to the need for a balance of power or a lack of generosity. The situation being read and the surrounding cards will clarify this intention.

Question: How can I embody the Six of Pentacles in the real world?

Answer: To embody the Six of Pentacles, make sure your generosity doesn’t come with strings attached – know that giving is its own reward. Become active in mutual aid networks in your community. Work to address or understand the underlying causes of wealth inequality.

If you do give to charity, research whether the majority of the proceeds are going to the people in need or if they are just going to fund the charity itself – something that is all too prevalent and is an example of the Six of Pentacles reversed in action.

Question: I don’t have funds or resources to spare, so why did the Six of Pentacles show up for me in a reading?

Answer: The Six of Pentacles doesn’t always necessarily speak to finances or material wealth. There are resources that can be given where, for example, our physical bodies are used, such as helping a friend move or applying a specific skill set you may have in order to help somebody else at work. Love and support are emotional resources we can call on when those around us are lacking. Remember that Pentacles represent anything manifested in the physical realm, not just money.

Question: What Zodiac sign does the Six of Pentacles represent?

Answer: As Pentacles represent earth, Pentacle cards represent the earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. In particular, it represents Taurus. As a sign, the energy of Taurus is all about resources, finding out what is ours to give and what we can give ourselves in order to be generous.


One of the most straightforward cards in the Minor Arcana, the Six of Pentacles, nevertheless possesses a depth of meaning that we have uncovered here. This card is a reminder to be generous with our resources.

Generosity does not necessarily have anything to do with money or material wealth. It can be the time we take to listen to a friend in need and give them emotional support or help out in many ways that have nothing to do with our finances.

It is also important in the Six of Pentacles to make sure we have the emotional resources necessary to give back to others. On a plane, in case of emergency, we are told to put on our own oxygen mask before assisting others. In the same way, the Six of Pentacles tells us that we can be of no help to others if we do not have a solid foundation to help from.

Six of Pentacles Meaning: Upright and Reversed - Tarot Technique (2024)


What does the 6 of Pentacles mean upside down? ›

Six of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

If you are simply giving in order to get something back, or you find yourself holding your gift over someone, you are not being truly generous or kind—you are being manipulative and controlling! That's not a nice dynamic for either party involved.

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Six of Cups Reversed

See the Six of Cups as an opportunity to make peace with the past so you can focus on the now. Learn from your mistakes, forgive others and yourself, and acknowledge that life is continually evolving. Let go of the past and bring your attention firmly into the present.

What does it mean when Tarot cards are upside down? ›

Many Tarot readers who use reversals simply believe the reversed Tarot card delivers the exact opposite message of the upright card. For example, if The Devil card shows up in a reading it can indicate being trapped, whereas the reversed Devil card can indicate being set free.

Is the Six of Pentacles yes or no? ›

6 PENTACLES Answer: Yes, but it's important to share in a great and reciprocal way. The map assumes mutual exchange, constant acceptance, and return on the topic of the issue. Therefore any violation of the circulation (feelings, money, etc.) will lead to stagnation and imbalance.

What do pentacles represent in Tarot? ›

As with all the Aces, the Ace of Pentacles symbolises a beginning and something new being offered. This will often be a new source of money coming to someone. It is usually extra regular money of some description. It can indicate new opportunities leading to increased prosperity.

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6. THE LOVERS. —Attraction, love, beauty, trials overcome. Reversed: Failure, foolish designs.

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To determine if a tarot card is reversed, you need to look at its position in the spread. When a card appears upside down in the spread, it is considered to be reversed [1]. Reversed cards have a different energy and interpretation compared to when they appear upright.

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Six of Wands reversed:

You don't have the support you need at this time. You need to seek more if you wish to cross that finish line. Progress is stalled.

What is the tarot card for success? ›

In tarot readings, certain cards are believed to symbolize fame, achievement, and success. These cards include The Star, The World, The Six of Wands, and The Ten of Pentacles. Drawing these cards in a reading may suggest a period of recognition, accomplishment, and prosperity.

When should you not do tarot cards? ›

Simply put, the cards are not suitable as a diagnostic or treatment tool for either physical or mental health issues.

Should I read reversed cards in tarot? ›

Reversed cards in these spreads can just muddy the water. However, I do recommend that as you play with your cards, you experiment with reading them reversed. It really is an individual choice. Allow your reading to evolve, and trust that if and when it's time to use reversed cards, you'll know it.

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Love and Relationships- In a relationship, The Lovers reversed can mean you and your partner are having problems. You might not agree on important stuff, and it feels like something's off. You could also be feeling distant from each other, like you're not as close as you used to be.

What is the zodiac element of the Pentacles? ›

In the Tarot, the suite of Pentacles (or Coins) is associated with the Earth signs of the zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. These signs represent qualities of groundedness, sensuality, fortitude, service, and material manifestation.

How to do a Tarot love reading? ›

Draw 3 cards and lay them down in a straight line to get the "Spark Notes" version of your relationship: Card 1: What you want. Card 2: What your partner wants. Card 3: What your future looks like as a couple.

How do you tell if a tarot card is a yes or a no? ›

In case you're just starting out with a YES NO tarot reading keep it basic. If the Tarot card is upright, you've got a Yes. If it's reversed, it's a No. To use this technique, make sure your deck has a balanced mix of upright and reversed cards.

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The Queen of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

Your energy would be far better spent focusing on your own goals and checking in on your priorities. Wherever you are right now is exactly where you need to be, so stop comparing yourself to others and what they appear to have (Does it really matter?

What does the wheel of fortune reversed mean? ›

When the Wheel of Fortune card appears in reverse, it suggests that you may face challenging changes that you may not readily welcome. These changes might not align with your desires, and adapting to them could prove to be a struggle.


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.